Social Media Censoring Drs

Social Media censoring Drs

The general policy of Facebook and major social media on Hcq is illustrated in the story
Report: Facebook Censoring Hydroxychloroquine as Cure, Despite Drug’s Use in Other Nations
It is noteworthy that the widespread (and successful) use of Hcq and Ivm in other countries is never acknowledged by its censors.

Doctors censored by social media

It is only possible to cover a fraction of the individual covid-censored doctors in any detail.
Note that rather than being ‘quacks’ as portrayed, censored Drs tended to be highly qualified, have a big reach and/or have successfully treated very many patients early with antivirals.

Dr Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko. Twitter repeatedly banned Dr Vladmir Zelenko, the most prolific spokesmedic for Hcq in the US, including banning his Z-freedom Foundation on the day his death was announced.
Dr Zelenko had successfully treated hundreds of vulnerable Covid-19 patients, at the peak of the pandemic, and had seen thousands of Covid-19 patients in total.
His attempts to circulate the message that Hcq is safe and effective via the US president backfired amidst an anti-Trump backlash, in which the virtually overwhelming evidence from early treatment practice and studies was never mentioned. The resulting polarising effect persists to the present day.

In March 2020 Dr James Todaro tweeted a link to his own positive CQ/HCQ study on his Google drive and found that Google had deleted the file from his drive, Is Google censoring even documents now?. Dr Todaro also points out that social media censorship was hard on the heels of stay at home orders, so that fundamental freedoms – freedom of association and freedom of speech – were effectively removed.
As AFLDS points out: “Google claims it is a platform and not a publisher, which is a huge distinction. Platforms are just the vehicle to get the words from point a to point b. Publishers are responsible for content. If Google is a platform, which it represents itself to be, including before Congress, then it should not censor non-salacious content written by a scientist about science”, and therefore
Censorship is evident for those who wish to see it.

Just to dwell a little longer Dr Todaro…then that July, his video on the “White Coat Summit” by AFLDS doctors on HCQ was deleted by Youtube, Facebook and Twitter, citing ‘misinformation’. Yet two months later, Youtube still showed the retracted Lancet study, which was widely regarded as fake; described as ‘hypocrisy’ by Todaro. Dr Chris Martenson commented:

Dr Todaro was unimpressed, tweeting: ” Our video was taken down by Facebook & YouTube last night.
Surprise surprise.
You know what YouTube video is still up from 2 months ago though?
The video with Surgisphere founder Sapan Desai on the results of the fake Lancet study that the WHO mistakenly endorsed immediately.”

Yet Dr Todaro’s description of the censorship as ‘hypocritical’ is an understatement. The “Town Square” – ie its medically unqualified policy enforcers – censored doctors who were relating their own experience treating covid patients; it was essentially calling them liars – with no reference to the actual evidence on early HCQ treatment that supports them. Meanwhile, Youtube’s stated reason for deleting the AFLDS video – with no attempt to evaluate the truth – was evidently not the real one (so much for ‘misinformation’).

Since then social media has continued to censor eminent doctors over HCQ, ivermectin and vaccine ‘misinformation’, which seems to be a code for unwelcome information, whether true or not.

Almost three years later, Twitter’s chief legal officer was unable to defend its censorship policy in the House; when confronted with an example of Twitter censoring a doctor with 18,000 followers, who tweeted official CDC information. As the C-SPAN2 clip below shows, Vijaya Gadde had no answer to Rep. Nancy Mace, other than to ramble about Twitter’s policy to protect individuals; an answer that was quickly swept away.

What makes you think you or anyone else at Twitter have the medical expertise to censor actual, accurate CDC data?

Perhaps Twitter doesn’t trust CDC information either! But of course it’s policy says otherwise…Ms Gadde might as well have given the true answer, as Ms Mace referred to it anyway; the government/the FBI were directing censorship on Covid-19.

Mistweeting or Mistweetment?

Dr. David Samadi, an eminent physician and lead medical contributor for Newmax TV, was censored by Twitter several times for tweeting that hydroxychloroquine worked, under a policy that censors ‘misinformation’ as defined by whether it disagree with what public health officials say.

Even director and producer Robby Starbuck was suspended from Twitter for citing a Yale professor saying that hydroxychloroquine works, as was Australian-American author Nick Adams.

In the UK Dr Sam White was hounded over Hcq and other challenges to policy. He had to go to court  just to confirm his right to speak as a doctor, after which he continued to face hounding despite winning.

Most medics who are outspoken on covid have been censored. Rather than the ‘misinformation’ excuse, the real criterion for censoring valid covid information seems to be the extent of the person’s public reach with the unwelcome realities. Neither the credentials of the doctor nor the gravitas of the platform on which unwelcome information appears is a bar to social media censorship:

Social media censors Drs and US Government proceedings!

Lifelong Democrat Dr. Pierre Kory’s testimony to the U.S. Senate was removed from YouTube. It also suspended Senator Ron Johnson (11/6/21) himself for, they said, ‘touting’ Hcq and Ivm. It was also removed from Google and Faceboook.
Even the Wall Street Journal observed that YouTube Cancels the U.S. Senate.
And even US Congress proceedings are not immune. Another video posted by Dr Suneel Dhand of Dr Peter Doshi (editor of the prestigious British Medical Journal), addressing the US Congress on Capitol Hill was removed by Youtube.
Although none of the above censored items – serious information and/or questions by top doctors – constitutes misinformation, that was the excuse given by the platform.

Update: Dr Dhand was threatened by a responder with 1) action from the police, 2) “Federal Action against Misinformation, if he did not delete all his videos (about 2m in). The individual who identified as a fact checker and “guru of misinformation”, believed himself to be anonymous, however the way the website was set up he was quite traceable. He turned out to be affiliated with a major US organisation, that you’ve all heard of. If my goal was publicity I would totally out them right now. “
Though Dr Dhand’s videos are of a factual nature, so many have been deleted by Youtube that the Dr took to vanishing to avoid getting a total ban.

Cardiologist <Dr Peter McCullough> is the most published author in his field. He was one of the earliest advocates of early treatment, professionally attacked physicians. He has consistently highlighted the suppression of early treatment. His 2021 testimony to the Texas HHS Senate committee was also censored by YouTube. Powerful extracts of this testimony here: Dr. Peter McCullough—The Inexplicable Suppression of Hydroxychloroquine, Ivermectin, and Other COVID-19 Treatments. The problem is that the suppression of Hcq was not ‘inexplicable’, given that the Covid-19 vaccines, authorized only for emergency use, required effective treatments for Covid-19 not to exist.

In October 2021, Dr McCullough’s paper on post-vaccine myocarditis with Dr Jessica Rose in a lead review journal in cardiology was abruptly retracted by the Elsevier group of journals (Archived copy), after being accepted – without giving a reason. Elsevier misleadingly explained “This article has been withdrawn at the request of the author(s) and/or editor.”

More Censorship/Cancel Culture. The authors were not notified of this “Temporary Removal” action. I have never seen anything like this, ever, in my entire scientific career.”     — Robert W Malone, MD.

In December 2021 Dr McCullough’s famous Spotify interview with Joe Rogan, which included discussion of early Covid-19 treatment with Hcq and Ivm, was deleted from YouTube.

YouTube may have been on a bit of a censoring crusade at this time, and a few  weeks later this happened: YouTube bans interview with Dr. Peter McCullough before it was even published (And the appeal was rejected). Actually, the prolific Dr McCullough seems to have been suspended for warning about everything.
Dr. Peter McCullough suspended from Twitter after repeatedly warning about COVID vaccines.

Dr Robert Malone. This period of Dec-21-Jan-22 seemed to see in a festive frenzy of social media censorship. Dr Malone, a very highly qualified and cautious critic of the covid policies (who is widely credited as an authority on, and inventor of the mRNA technology), was permanently suspended by Twitter on 30 December 2021, who cited only vague reasons; Over a half million followers gone in a blink of an eye. His cautious criticisms of vaccine rollout has been informative for truth-seekers, while most unwelcome to the political/medical establishment, which implies social media too.
His LinkedIn account was deleted after he pointed out Reuters ties to Pfizer.

As this link shows, Reuters self-titled fact-checkers now police both Facebook and Twitter, the former since the pandemic started.
Hence, Pfizer’s reach includes social media, which also answers to the <US government>.

Less than a week after his Twitter ban, Dr Robert Malone’s interview with Dana Loesch was deleted by Facebook.
A few days later, another interview Malone did with Patrick Bet-David was removed byYouTube.
Six different times Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and LinkedIn removed content written by or featuring Dr. Malone’s opinions on the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines.

Social Media’s career plan for vaccine guru and critic Dr Robert Malone

A quick look at censorship of Drs in Canada, which provided many of the most extreme examples:

“Total mainstream censorship of evidence based science data”

Censoring doctors over Ivermectin

As the suppression of the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine (Hcq) firmed up, with much of the western medical world and media learning their lines, a new threat to the Covid-19/vaccine narrative emerged in the shape of ivermectin (Ivm). Ivm was another drug whose results when used to treat Covid-19 early seemed to obviate the need for a vaccine. This would make an emergency authorisation for the expermental vaccines invalid.
Accordingly the censorship of Ivm was every bit as draconian as that of Hcq.

There were a lot of physicians who used Ivm and Hcq, and reported considerable success; and these are two of the safest drugs. As  people were dying in numbers that were significant enough to supposedly warrant damaging lockdowns, to prevent doctors from treating patients with them defied logic.

On 6/4/21 it was reported that Dr Mobeen Syed, a prolific medical lecturer and educator, had all his videos removed by Youtube in which Ivermectin was mentioned.

Other Drs censored by Youtube or Twitter over Ivermectin include Dr Pierre Kory, cardiologist Dr Peter McCullough, as well as Nobel Prize winning biochemist Dr. Satoshi Ōmura (who was part of the team that developed Ivermectin in the 1970s as an anti-parasitic).

In an opinion piece posing as a Fact Check, the Poynter Institute protested too much:
“MISLEADING: Nobel Prize winner Satoshi Omura confirmed efficacy of ivermectin against COVID-19.
Explanation: Mr Omura published an article in the Japanese Journal of Antibiotics that has low scientific value. It is a narrative revision that quotes papers that aren’t academic works.”

HQ of  the Poynter Institute, “a kind of mothership without whose certificates little is done in this [fact-checking] business

The ‘Fact Check’ does not correct any facts and accuses the source of making “a biased selection of scientific works”. Perhaps the most relevant scientific ‘fact’ is that there are very, very few negative Ivm studies that could be included in any narrative, scientific or not.

The list of the Ivm-censored includes many other very prominent people like Senator Ron Johnson, ex-BBC journalist Anna Brees, actor Russell Brand, and Joe Rogan 

Brand has asked why a video of Rachel Maddow, reporting that the COVID-19 vaccines would prevent people from getting infected with the virus, has never been censored.
(It has now, see btl, But other videos like this one haven’t:
Fauci Confirms ‘Extremely Low’ Risk Of Transmission For Fully Vaccinated,
And this one: Joe Biden You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations. )

An article by newspaper editor Kathy Gyngell about Ivm received a shadow ban from Twitter
The article ” The story of how ivermectin was ‘cancelled’” features discussions between well-qualified doctors who were ideally placed to relate this story.

Is there a clearer example than this, that “misinformation” does not mean “wrong information”?

Facebook has banned former congressman Dr. Ron Paul for 90 days

This ban on a former Congressman and Physician was for sharing the words of Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla:

12/1/22 Pfizer boss says two doses provide ‘limited protection, if any’ against Omicron
Pfizer’s chief executive has revealed that two doses of the current Covid-19 vaccine offer “very limited protection, if any” against Omicron.

The big Social Media platforms are awfy serious about suppressin’ Ivermectin!

The large number of doctors and scientists censored by social media platforms (aka ‘Big Tech’) during the pandemic is attested to by a study by the Media Research Center, which found ” more than 800 examples of bans, deleted content, and other speech restrictions related to the virus, as well as to resultant vaccines masking and government policies.”, up to Feb 22.

This number is now old hat; the ongoing project, which aims to classify censored items systematically, has clocked many thousands of items of censorship of items and individuals; prominent US figures including senators and congressmen censored by YouTube and Twitter, and medical figures too.

Facebook deleted the Great Barrington Declaration’s account page. According to, this was the worst case of documented COVID-19 censorship, as this declaration was written by top international disease experts. It currently has nearly 1m signatories.

“A Twitter Files release also confirmed that Twitter censored individuals associated with the declaration. But Facebook and Twitter were not alone. Other platforms such as Reddit and Google also censored the declaration.”

Facebook’s censorship of leading doctors didn’t stop there: the British Medical Journal (BMJ) responded to a bizarre “fact-check” by Lead Stories of its bombshell report headlined: “Covid-19: Researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer’s vaccine trial.”
To cut a short story even shorter, the ‘fact-checkers’ were out of their depth. The real story here, of course, was the BMJ’s revelations of malpractice in Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine trials – a story that belongs in another place.

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